Barclays Head office - internal signage

Wayfinding inside a building is very important and often overlooked. We have worked on two floors of Barclays head office in Canary Wharf to help pilot higher spec wayfinding signage.

barclays wayfinding office sign

We produced and installed 33 office signs. These were to incorporate the cyan brand colour of Barclays which developed into a 10mm  acrylic back panel which was then faced in 3mm powder coated white aluminium. To gain a higher standard we rounded the edges on the face to soften the appearance as well as to the touch.  Matt grey high grade vinyl finished off the look making this a clean, simple but effective office sign.


We also produced six freestanding totem signs (also know and monoliths).  They needed to be consistent with the office signage and include the cyan centre.  They were fabricated from a steel sub frame and base plate with the aluminium totem slotted onto the base. This can be dismantled for transportation in the event they need to be re-located. Again the faces were matt white powder coated with a premium softend edge. The vinyl work on the face was finished in matt to avoid any glare from the lighting and maintain the higher standard spec.